Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My parents are splitting up?

how can i feel ok about this and help my brither because he is soooo upset. I am trying to look at it in a good way like we might have a puppy now or something but any ideas, and i feel like its my faltMy parents are splitting up?
Time heals all wounds. As with all children of divorced parents, they are now doing fine. And so will you. Give it six months to a year, you'll be surprised that you and your brother are that happy person once again. Just think happy and be there for your brother. Knowing that our God does not leave us alone, but will take care of both you and your brother. Pray always for God to take away your pain, because he will answer your prayer. God answers prayers of kids like you. When one parent is lacking God will be your parent. He will take care of you.My parents are splitting up?
Having parents who are splitting up is never easy, especially when you're trying to stay strong for a sibling. Its sometimes okay to let yourself know that you are upset but you should never blame yourself. It may be an idea to chat with someone who has the experience, especially a friend or someone you trust. How ever old your brother is, just keep reassuring him that although this may not be the ideal situation to be in, you will be there to support him. Trying to look for good ways is a nice way to keep yourself thinking positively but also bare in mind how your parents are feeling too. I am sure that they don't want you to have to go through this either.

All the best,
First of all, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Unfortunately, divorce happens too often especially in our country. But the thing is, your parents will always ALWAYS love both you and your brother. I'm sure your parents aren't happy about the divorce too but some parents turn out to be better parents after they divorce. I can't say too much because I don't know exactly what the situation is but in general, children are not at fault but the ironic thing is how they're affected the most. To help comfort your brother, communicate to him that your parents love you two and that as long as that stands, you are still a family. It might not be a typical picture perfect family but it's still a family, as long as there's love. Corny I know but it's true. Best to you and your family.
The first thing to remember is that your parents are splitting up because of their own reasons. It is in no way your fault, whatever it might feel like at the moment. Find someone neutral you can talk to - a teacher, family friend or someone who won't take sides. Talk to your parents too, but remember that if they're arguing, they will both have a biased view on the situation.
Just know that it's not your fault and it might actually make things easier around the house less fighting, you will get to spend more time with your parents. It will be an adjustment but it won't be all Bad just trust your parents know what's best. You will be grown soon enough and won't have to handle the Split weekends and every other holiday etc....
This has NOTHING to do with you. If your friends break up its not like they say its your fault right? They just aren't happy with each other. They still love you, and always will. Just keep communicating with them, because I remember for me a big issue was not being able to communicate well with both parents; even the one I lived with.
what children dont know that this is a very big step and you are a very small thing in front of that big step and trust me you or if i can say the children are never the reson for parents to split infact in some sitwations they are the reson parents don't tack this step so no its not your foult, and you will be fine
You should just want you parents to be happy in life and remember once you move out you will have your own life

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