Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My hair is 'broken' at the ends (not split, broken). I used to use a straightener a lot. How do you fix this?

I used to use a straightener almost every day, but in the last few weeks I've stopped doing that. I was wondering if there is something else I have been doing to cause my hair to break like this? Also, is there something I can do to stop or reduce it? It's naturally blonde and quite thin. Thanks a lot!My hair is 'broken' at the ends (not split, broken). I used to use a straightener a lot. How do you fix this?
If you've stopped using straighteners then you're on the road to recovery. Constant heat can damage your hair and beak it off. Hair breaks off at the ends because that's the oldest, weakest, and driest parts of your hair. The ends have been through everything you've done to your hair, so you have to be careful and take very good care of them because they're more fragile than the rest of your hair. Also, straightening further dries and damages your already dry ends. Start doing protein treatments to strengthen your hair and help repair the damage. Hot oil treatments with natural olive oil will help, too - this is a natural way to help repair damaged hair. I'd also start doing deep conditioning treatments weekly and start buying strengthening or anti-breakage hair products. Cut out heat altogether, which means stop blow drying and using flat irons, and let your hair air dry, instead.My hair is 'broken' at the ends (not split, broken). I used to use a straightener a lot. How do you fix this?
Use a heat protection spray for drying and straightening. Go to a hairdressers and get your hair trimmed. Use the straighteners less and use a hair conditioning mask once a week and it should get back into good condition soon and stop breaking :)
get a trimm... pnce you use your straightner for so long you get a trim and try using panteen get the kind that helps repair hair!

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